Conakry adolah ibu kota jo kota tagadang nagara Guinea. Barupo kota palabuahan, baguno sabagai pusek ekonomi, kauangan, jo budaya nagara. Pado hasia sensus tahun 2014, panduduaknyo bajumlah 1.660.973 jiwa.[1]

Panorama kota

Conakry awalnyo hanyo Pulau Tombo ketek jo kamudian bakambang ka Samananjuang Kaloum nan badakekan, bantangan tanah sapanjang 36 kilometer jo leba 0,2 hinggo 6 kilometer. Kota tu pado dasarnyo didirian sasudah Inggirih manyarahan pulau tu pado Parancih pado tahun 1887.[2] Kamudian kota tu manjadi ibu kota Guinea Parancih pado tahun 1904 jo bakambang sabagai palabuahan ekspor, tautamo sasudah jalur kareta api dibuek. Kota tu manjadi ibu kota Guinea sajak nagara tu mardeka pado tahun 1958.[3] Karano lawehnyo nan ketek jo taisolasi dari daratan alah manyababan baban infrastruktur bagi pamarentah.[4]


  1. "GeoHive – Guinea population statistics". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 24 November 2015. Diakses tanggal 5 June 2016. 
  2. Roman Adrian Cybriwsky, Capital Cities around the World: An Encyclopedia of Geography, History, and Culture, ABC-CLIO, USA, 2013, p. 89
  3. Patrick Manning. Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, 1880–1995, Cambridge (1998)
  4. For the urban infrastructure and its history, see M. Dian DIALLO. Street Addressing And Basic Services in Conakry, Guinea Archived 6 September 2021 di Wayback Machine.. Presented at the Urban Forum/ World Bank – Washington, D.C. – 2–4 April 2002.

Bacoan tambahan

  • Dave, Nomi (2019) The Revolution's Echoes: Music, Politics & Pleasure in Guinea. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Thomas O'Toole, Janice E. Baker. (2005) Historical Dictionary of Guinea. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 0-8108-4634-9
  • Philipps, Joschka (2013) Ambivalent Rage: Youth Gangs and Urban Protest in Conakry, Guinea. Harmattan Guinée.
  • Cohen, Adrienne ( 2019) "Performing Excess: Urban Ceremony and the Semiotics of Precarity in Guinea-Conakry." Africa: The Journal of the International African Institute. 89 (4): 718–738.
  • Odile Goerg. "Chieftainships between Past and Present: From City to Suburb and Back in Colonial Conakry, 1890s–1950s". Africa Today, Summer 2006, Vol. 52, No. 4, Pages 2–27
  • Conakry the Capital: history of the city at site of expat artist.
  • Kids in Guinea Study Under Airport Lamps, RUKMINI CALLIMACHI The Associated Press, Thursday, 19 July 2007.
  • Archdiocese of Conakry: history and structure (at
  • Guinea's Telecommunication Infrastructure, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 1999 figures.